Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Yoly's Akron; 18th, 19th, & 20th of April, 2016

This is how I see my neighborhood; expansive yet intimate, lively yet quiet, vibrant yet subdued.

Yes, at times it seems like you aren't welcomed here.

This town is full of attitude,

tempered with a touch of hunger for changing the status quo.

It is a cool mix of new and old, the inviting and the foreboding. 

It is an architectural wonder for the eyes.

Just don't feed the pigeons, although the pigeons will argue otherwise, they are fed well enough already.

We bridge bad weather with good company when we can, and however we can.

We may go a little overboard with the bristling personalities, but those are the people who will do the most for you, go the further for you, and take care of you without condition.

You can find beauty in everything here, but only if you are looking for it.

Akron is a city where we create art to stun and confuse, to make you wonder and make you want to play. We don't follow the crowds, we incite them. Here we make our own superheroes, forge them in our own image with our weaknesses as their folly and our strengths as their essence.

Akron is as sweet as you want it to be, and as hard as you make it for yourself.

Akron is transformation.

Akron is welcoming to those who chose to come here and swift to divest itself of anything that would make it seem as anything else.

We truly are a city of bridges, those you cross on foot and those you cross with a handshake.

The views are always worth stopping for.

Every streets leads to something wonderful, whether it's a view, a jazz joint, a plate full of hot food, or home.

Our best and brightest gems are not  baubles, they are our people.

Our knowledge isn't hidden in books, in Akron we write our own story.

We are eccentric and contradictory, but we are good people at heart.

Akronites care about their city like they care about their homes, they care about their neighbors like they care about family.

We don't encounter strangers when we walk down the street, we find new neighbors and future friends.

It may seem at times that there is no hope, no way through or onwards, but we try our hardest to take care of our own. "If I can't help you I will find someone who can" should be our motto.

We can be a little squirrely about things at times. We can get distracted by our visions, our goals, our muses, but we are creators. All the best creators have been a little nuts.

Akron, it's nature, it's nurture, it's home.

How do you see your Akron?