Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Dear Friends

     Everyone wants to be happy, make and keep good friends, and live in a place where it is possible to not only dream but to make those dreams come true. All of us want a little bit of heaven in our lives, even if it can only be found in one deep breath at the end of a long shift. For me, you are that bit of heaven. I was honored to have you in my home last weekend. Each and every one of you is an example of how wonderful Akronites are and how great Akron is: masons and metalsmiths, illustrators and photographers, curators and decorators, musicians and promoter, actors and writers.
     Thank you for taking time off from your hectic lives to celebrate with me.
     You impress upon me how hard you work at your craft, without prompting and with high dedication. Without your creations we might not wander far from our path of subsistence. The poets and writers who bring wisdom to our minds and rhythm to our emotions, the recyclers and the naturalists who keep us honest, the conservationists and the advocates of peace who shows us how well we fit in with our surroundings and with each other, you are all amazing. Without you we might not ever notice the beauty that is found in the mundane, or hear the wisdom hidden in your creations.
     We can't hold a song in our hands and attach a price tag to it. We can't run our fingers though a poem and gage how finely it has been crafted. We can't take a fired piece of clay and nibble on it to taste it (at least we shouldn't). What you do and what you provide isn't always tangible, but it is all just as important to our lives as food and shelter. Art doesn't fill our bellies or clothe our bodies, but it sure does make us whole. Art goes a long way to help us find our happiness and our individual peace.
     Together we are moving in the right direction. The goals we have set for ourselves as a city and the dreams we have dared to hold in our hearts are all possible. You make it possible.
     Thank you for helping me celebrate being an Akronism. Your love is greatly appreciated. I only hope I can do more for you as time goes on.

     Sincerely and with much love,





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